
Employment Opportunities

If you like working with the public and have solid computer skills, we have the perfect job! Apply today to be our full-time or part-time Registrar (2 eves and Saturdays required)!  Benefits for both positions include health insurance and a $1,000 tuition benefit for classes at the MCFTA. Great environment and fabulous staff! Won’t you join our team?
To learn more about these openings and how to apply, visit jobs.minnesotanonprofits.org.

Teaching Opportunities

Have a passion to share? Want to teach?

Are you an artist/instructor looking for a place to share and develop your talent? MCFTA is always interested in proposals for series classes or workshops, whether in a discipline we currently offer, or something new. If your art-making career is at a stage where sharing your passion with others is the next step for you, contact Bob Bowman at bbowman@minnetonkaarts.org for adult programming, or Ruth Mason at rmason@minnetonkaarts.org for children and youth programming. (If you know you’re ready to teach, but aren’t sure exactly what form your class would take, we can help you figure out where your skills would fit into our program best.)